IBATECH has recently demonstrated an innovative CBRN detection & communication system in the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum. This system has realized a monitorization and control of the potential presence of hazardous agents in the museum public halls during four months. This demonstration has significantly contributed to enrich the museum’s brand new protection plan. According to Miguel Ángel Molina, Chief Security Officer of the museum, about CBRN protection: “the need to activate this plan may have various causes – a fire, a flood, an attack…, but the Thyssen museum is especially concerned about the terrorist threat, a hydra that may manifest itself in numerous forms. One of the most feared would be a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear attack (CBRN). Therefore, the museum has recently integrated ESCUDO, an initiative of the Spanish Ministry of Defence, in parallel to the overall protection plan”.

The ESCUDO system was initially developed in the framework of a R&D project of the Coincidente programme funded by the Ministry of Defence. ESCUDO is specifically designed for the protection of critical infrastructure. Indeed, it can be integrated into the equipment and protocols for control and monitoring of CBRN and explosive agents applied to the access of visitors, goods or post.The system features an advanced technology for real-time, online monitoring that goes beyond CBRN detection, allowing for the control of chemical contaminant agents or airborne pathogens. According to IBATECH, ESCUDO provides a significant forward leap for the environmental and health sectors by procuring them high-end customized technologies from the Defence sector.

Last 29th of October, Madrid Fire Brigade (Bomberos de Madrid) presented “CBRN protocols in museums and public spaces” in the framework of the IV Conference of Museum and Historical Site Security This presentation  suggested ESCUDO as potential part of these protocols.